Project Description

Nutrition Institute, Slovenia (Institut za nutricionistiko, Ljubljana – NUTRIS)

The Nutrition Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (NUTRIS) is a non-profit research institution. NUTRIS leads Slovenian national research programme “Nutrition and Public Health”, financed by Slovenian Research Agency (SRA). This research group deals with nutrition, food technology and technology transfer into food industry. Among other projects, NUTRIS has been collaborating in various research projects funded by EC and Slovenian government (SRA). NUTRIS has strong expertise in the area of nutrient profiling and assessment of food quality in relation to health effects, which was conducted within several of the listed research project and reported in the provided scientific publications. In relation to health-impact assessments of foods it should be also mentioned, that NUTRIS is collaborating closely with the INFORMAS – International Network for Food and Obesity / Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) Research, Monitoring and Action Support. The Nutrition institute also runs several research projects for the industry. In addition to research activities, fundamental mission of the institute is also to promote public awareness in the area of food technology and nutrition, to educate, and to support the food industry to improve food quality.

Role in FOX:

  • Co-leading “Sustainability and Health Impact of FOX approach”
  • Task leader of T7.3 (Health Impact Assessment)
  • Supporting the overall dissemination and communication activities and especially those conducted in Slovenia