Laden Evenementen

Food system activities are increasing pressure on planetary boundaries and the natural resource base which underpins food security for all. There is therefore an urgent need for food system change both to improve health and environmental outcomes in fairer and more equitable ways, and to enhance resilience to further shocks and stresses.

Finding solutions requires cooperation between stakeholders, including a dialogue between research and practice. In this seminar, Vincenza Ferrara demonstrates how she combines both theory and practice.

When and where ? 10.00 – 11.00 at Hollands College, Pater Damiaanplein 9, Leuven

We foresee a networking drink afterwards

Free registration: External stakeholders welcome.

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This seminar is framed within several initiatives at KU Leuven: the H2020 projects COCOREADO and FOX and the Metaforum Working group on Sustainable Food Production and Food Security.

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