FOX Final Conference: Illustrations
This page collect the live illustrations made during FOX final conference “Small-Scale, Big Impact: Innovative Approaches for Local Food Processing” (Brussels, 26th September 2023). Click here for more information regarding the event.
Morning session at the Brussels Food Bank
Afternoon session: Building Resilient Regional Food Systems – Reflect the FOX Project Approach
Welcome and Opening by Kerstin Pasch and Ariettte Matser.
“Policy perspectives on Regional Food Systems: Promoting Sustainable Food Production and Consumption” by Ana Patricia Lopez (DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission).
“From Policy to Economic Growth: Unleashing the Potential of Localised Production” by Minna Huttunen (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland).
Afternoon session: The Future is Local: How the FOX Project is Transforming Small-Scale Food Production
“Shorter, Greener, Smarter: Transforming the Food Chain with Innovative Technologies” by Malgorzata Nowacka (Warsaw University of Life Sciences), Martijntje Vollebregt (Wageningen University & Research) and Leonor Pascual (AINIA).
Panel discussion: “Insights from the Field: Stakeholders perspectives share during FOX’s live events” with Ariette Matser (Wageningen University & Research), Christian Falkenstein (Falkenstein Projektmanagement), Milena Zdravkovic (Gelita) and Leonor Pascual (AINIA).
“Business Opportunities for Food Producers and Regional Food Systems” by Björn Moller (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research).
Afternoon session: Processing the Harvest: Consumer engagement, Sustainability, and Health
“Connecting Producers and Consumers: Promoting Short Food Supply Chains” by Klaus Grunert (Aarhus University).
“Environmental and socio-economic opportunities for local food processing” by Liesbet Vranken (KU Leuven).
“Can innovative technologies support production of healthier foods?” by Anita Kušar (Nutris).
Panel discussion: “Localised food systems: What’s next? Policy discussion” with Peter Holl (German Institute of Food Technologies), Minna Huttunen (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland), Tobias Camps (Hutten), Marja Liisa Meurice (EIT Food North & East) and Fabien Santini (DG Agriculture and Rural Development, EC).