FOX partners met on the 27th and 28th June in the Warsaw University of Life Sciences for the first FOX Annual Meeting.
The two days were filled with presentations by partners working in different work packages, giving updates on the research conducted and discussing the next steps for the FOX project.
However, the Annual Meeting was also a chance for the partners to get to know each other, visit the SGGW installations and also to discover the city of Warsaw.
Have a look at the pictures from the meeting!
- FOX partners in the Annual Meeting
- FOX partners in the Annual Meeting
- Prof. Marta Mendel and Prof. Artur Wiktor welcoming the partners
- Work Package 6 leaders presenting.
- Igor Pravst presenting
- Björn Moller and
- Liesbet
- Martijntje Vollebregt
- Partners from CTCPA working in Work Package 3
- Partners involved in Work Package 1
- Peter Holl presenting
- Leonor Pascual from AINIA presenting results from Work Package 3
- Camila Massri and Nora Lorenzo presenting Work Package 6
- Martijntje Vollebregt presenting
- Jeroen
- FOX partners visiting the SGGW installations
- Artur Wiktor showing the SGGW installations